Using CSS Variables

magen vista en wikipediaIt is very common to find repeated property values in a CSS stylesheet. CSS Variables allow authors to define variables that are reusable as property values anywhere in a stylesheet and queryable/modifiable through an extension of the CSS Object Model.
CSS Variables can define stylesheet-wide values identified by a token and usable in all CSS declarations. A recurring value, like colors or background-color in a stylesheet, will be way easier to update across the stylesheet if a developer has to modify at just one single place or value instead of modifying all style rules applying the property:value pair.
CSS Variables, once implemented, will allow authors to define variables that are reusable as property values anywhere in a stylesheet and queryable/modifiable through an extension of the CSS Object Model.
Majority of the Web Designers and Developers has been requesting a way of defining CSS Variables since its early release. Nonetheless, some are of the opinion that it is not needed and will complicate matters.
Why variables in CSS?

Many a times, any CSS developer would have felt that s/he is using repeated property values in a CSS stylesheet, for instance to make sure semantically different elements in a web page have a similar rendering and user experience. CSS does offer a way to group styles using groups of selectors, but we tend to neglect it more because of the fact that it’s difficult to maintain, decreases readability and of course semantically distinct elements rarely share all style rules.
CSS Variables Note names David Hyatt of Apple as one of the author, the other is Daniel Glazman of Disruptive Innovations. We might see a early implementation of CSS Variables in a future version of Safari!
The CSS Variables Definition
CSS Variables should be defined in an @variables at-rule. An @variable at-rule is composed of the “

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