El -9999px ha muerto, viva el #replace
Esto es lo que hacemos desde hace diez años con los logos: <h1>Texto del logo + a veces eslogan</h1> <style> h1 { […]
El -9999px ha muerto, viva el #replace Read »
Accesibilidad, Usabilidad, CSS, HTML5
Esto es lo que hacemos desde hace diez años con los logos: <h1>Texto del logo + a veces eslogan</h1> <style> h1 { […]
El -9999px ha muerto, viva el #replace Read »
Link types help describe the relationship between two or more web pages. They can also express the reason why particular hyperlinks are present in the web page. Defining link types is good for SEO because search engines can use this data
A Must-have Guide to Link Types for Hyperlinks Read »
ISO Republic provides high-quality, free photos for creatives. The website http://isorepublic.com/ was launched in September 2014 by Tom Eversley, a designer and photographer from England, who realised he had a large archive of unused images that needed putting to good
Beautiful free photos for designers Read »
Si tienes una web con formularios para recabar información del usuario, pronto encontrarás que hay multitud de scripts que intentan enviar su spam con la esperanza de que sea automáticamente publicado. Una medida sencilla para evitarlo es introducir un pequeño
Una receta para evitar el spam en los formularios web Read »
Unsplash – http://unsplash.com/ Unsplash features hundreds of beautiful photos in a variety of styles, from landscapes to product images. Ten new images are uploaded to Unsplash every 10 days. All images on Unsplash are covered under Creative Commons and have no
Idea Generation and Planning Tools Instant.ly – on-demand consumer insights from all over the world. Feedly – RSS reader for storing a feed of all the best blogs within your niche. There’s a great mobile app as well. Visual.ly – my favourite library
Misuse of the <br> tag How not to use the <br> tag A common misuse of the <br> tag is to use it to create spaces or gaps in your content. WYSIWYG editors are notorious for injecting multiple line breaks or empty
Common HTML Tag Misuses Read »
“The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.” – Peter Drucker When you start an online business, its promotion can either lift it up to the
20 Start-up Marketing Strategies that Always Work! Read »
What is a Rich Snippet? A snippet is the lines of text that you see under each search result. They are designed to give searchers an idea of what’s on the page and why it’s relevant to their search.If a
Using Schemas to Improve Content Visibility in Search Results Read »
Varnish Cache is a web application accelerator also known as a caching HTTP reverse proxy. The basics You install it in front of any server that speaks HTTP and configure it to cache the contents. Varnish Cache is really, really
Website SPEED and catching Read »