
Diseñando para Web 2.0

El kit de diseño para Web 2.0 de Tommy Maloney : una guía fantástica para dominar sombras suaves, gradientes, patrones, y por supuesto las esquinas redondeadas. Un buen artículo de Schillmania sobre la construcción de bordes redondeados con el CSS.

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The New Marketing Landscape

About The Author
Lee Traupel has 20 plus years of marketing experience. He is the co-founder of a Northern California and Brussels Belgium based, privately held, Marketing Services and Software Company, Intelective Communications, Inc.. Intelective focuses exclusively on providing services to small-to-medium-sized companies that need strategic and tactical marketing services. He can be reached at

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Investing in Usability: Testing versus Training

Author: John S. Rhodes
John S. Rhodes cannot fly. However, he is the founder and principal of Oristus, a consulting organization that is focused on solving the problems that people experience with technology. He also runs WebWord, which is one of the oldest and best known blogs on usability. In his spare time, John runs marathons, juggles flaming objects, and travels around the globe. Throw him an email at, if you want.

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